sustainable development

Decision memo: first decisions and guidelines on stepping up sustainable development measures

In line with the Institut Pasteur's ambitions to encourage all staff to get involved in sustainable development both now and in the future, a decision memo and guidelines have recently been introduced, based on the sustainable development master plan that is currently being jointly developed, to reduce the environmental impacts of activities on campus, especially energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The memo sets out some measures that will come into force immediately. By reducing energy consumption, the measures also aim to reduce the Institut Pasteur's energy costs in view of the current inflationary pressures.

The measures address the following areas:
•    Energy savings (heating, electrical equipment, lighting and water)
•    Paper consumption  
•    Sustainable mobility

The impacts of these first measures will be assessed after six months, with a particular focus on two indicators:

-    overall monthly electricity consumption on campus, in comparison with the average in previous years,

-   compliance with new rules for business travel by train in conjunction with our travel agency and the new booking tool.

Additional measures will be included in the Institut Pasteur's sustainable mobility master plan. The first version of the master plan will be sent out by the end of the first quarter 2023. Staff will be given six-monthly updates (in March and September) on the progress made in reaching the targets and any amendments to the master plan. Results will be communicated on a regular basis.

Read decision memo 1241 in full (in French)

See the slides presented on sustainable development at the general staff meeting on November 7

See the dedicated page for these measures on Webcampus
