
Partial replacement of outgoing members of the Institut Pasteur IRB: call for expressions of interest for several positions

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for evaluating research protocols involving human subjects from an ethical viewpoint. The board recently appointed a new Chair, Julie Henry (ENS Lyon), and Vice-Chair, Vania Rosas Magallanes (Institut Pasteur).

The terms of several members have expired; there are two vacancies for full members and four vacancies for alternate members. Applications from Institut Pasteur scientists or other staff members are strongly encouraged.
Applicants wishing to join the IRB must be over the age of 18 and have an interest in ethical issues, and they must have no links at the current time or over the past five years with the arms, tobacco, alcohol and/or gambling industry.

The Institut Pasteur IRB is looking for new members to fill the following vacant positions:
-    One full member with a qualification in epidemiology
-    One full member with a qualification in infectiology or virology
-    One alternate (or possibly full) member with a qualification in clinical research methodology
-    One alternate member with a qualification in nursing
-    One alternate member with a qualification in law
-    One alternate member with a qualification in animal and/or environmental health

Anyone qualified in research ethics or with professional experience in research involving human subjects who has skills that would be useful for the IRB is encouraged to apply.


The mission of the IRB


The IRB's mission is to make sure that the rights and well-being of research participants are protected. The IRB may be approached to carry out an ethical review of a research project if the project involves research on human subjects, their biological samples and/or their personal information, whether in the field of biomedicine or in humanities and social sciences. The decision to set up the IRB reflects the Institut Pasteur's strong commitment to ethics: if the Institut Pasteur is the legal representative of research carried out abroad involving human subjects, an opinion from the IRB is needed before proceeding with the research. The IRB has also been able to respond to requests from scientists needing an IRB opinion to meet the requirements of funding bodies (e.g. the NIH) or to publish results in scientific journals.  


Are you interested or do you know someone who might be interested?


Applicants are asked to send a detailed CV and a covering letter explaining why they would like to become a member of the IRB by midnight on Monday, November 14. Applicants who have submitted a satisfactory application will be asked to attend an interview with the Selection Committee. Applicants selected by the Selection

Committee will be presented for approval by the President. Successful applicants will be asked to start as soon as possible.

Please contact the IRB administration if you require any further information.



Vincent Martin-Schmets – Member of the Ethics Unit and IRB Analyst

Jean-Claude Dupont – Head of the Ethics Unit and Head of IRB Administration

