September 18, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Under the internal audit plan approved by the Board of Governors, a procurement audit has been requested as part of ongoing efforts to improve processes.
The aims are as follows:
To analyze the existing situation;
To carry out a comparative analysis with market best practices;
To propose areas for improvement in an action plan with clearly defined priorities.
The audit, conducted from September 7 to October 31 by the firm Deloitte and coordinated by the Department for Internal Audit and Control, will cover all procurement processes for all categories of expenditure.
To ensure its relevance, the audit will involve any staff who make purchases as part of their daily tasks. Anyone who has worked with the Procurement Department and/or made a purchase via the online shopping cart system/placed an order is invited to take part.
An anonymous questionnaire has been made available online so that everyone can share their experience and their expectations of the procurement process.
The questionnaire is available from your computer or smartphone via this link. It should take around 5 minutes to complete.
For more information, please email and