
Consultation Pasteur 2030: A snapshot of the main findings and current and future actions

Read the message dated 18 September from the lead members of the “Pasteur 2030” consultation:

“Dear all,

With a view to building the "Pasteur 2030" strategic plan together the senior management team has been working on a number of initiatives and consultations since the beginning of the year, so as to involve you as widely as possible in the development of our institution's strategic orientations and prepare our future together.

As part of this process, many of you took an active part in the IPSOS e-survey and the subsequent feedback for each of the entities represented. Thanks to your involvement, we have been able to gather valuable opinions, and your feedback has enabled us to better understand your expectations and the subjects that are important to you, and to integrate them into the future strategic plan.

Our special thanks go to the Proximité RH team and Anne Peta, who supported the directors and managers in preparing and reporting back to all entities, i.e. over 30 departments and divisions! These formats enabled rich and constructive exchanges, during which everyone was able to express themselves freely and respectfully, even on the most sensitive subjects.

A look back at the key findings

Among the results of this electronic survey, we can highlight some extremely encouraging key figures on the good health of Institut Pasteur and the commitment of all Pasteurians:

•    A participation rate of 68%, representing a very good score for a first survey of this type at Institut Pasteur in this format.

•    An excellent engagement rate of 87% (+11 versus the R&D Europe norm) for all respondents, with 94% saying they were proud to work for the PI, 90% appreciating the PI's culture and values, and 87% feeling motivated in their work.

•    High confidence in the future of PF at 84% (+8% versus the R&D Europe norm).

•  The quality of the research and science produced by the teams is judged very favorably by 81% of respondents.

•  Working conditions (workspace and environment, ergonomics, safety, etc.) rated as good by 83% of respondents (+3% versus the R&D Europe norm) and flexibility in work (organization and work methods, working hours, etc.) recognized as sufficient by 92% of respondents (+15% versus the R&D Europe norm).

However, your feedback also highlighted a number of points that were discussed thoroughly, and areas for improvement:

•  The need to clarify the orientations and missions of Departments and Divisions within Institut Pasteur’s ecosystem (61% of respondents consider the orientations of their Department / Division to be clear). * The need to simplify and make more efficient the operation of the Institut Pasteur, judged positively by only 37% of respondents (i.e. -36 versus the R&D Europe norm).

•   A strong demand for clarification of everyone's roles and responsibilities, assessed as clearly defined by 67% of respondents (i.e. -3 versus the R&D Europe norm), in order to make decision-making processes more fluid and transparent.

•  Better mobilization around Institut Pasteur’s projects (43% of respondents feel involved in changes and projects launched by the Institut Pasteur, i.e. -23 versus the R&D Europe norm), as well as openness to new creative ideas emanating from the community (within the Institut Pasteur, new ideas or proposals, and creativity are encouraged and taken into account for 61% of respondents, i.e. -15 versus the R&D Europe norm, and more generally, Institut Pasteur’s ability to innovate, to be creative, to be at the cutting edge is judged favorably by 56% of respondents).

In addition, important concerns were raised about work-life balance, physical and psychological health, the fight against discrimination, the enhancement and development of career paths, and the strengthening of internal cohesion and the ability to work together. We have heard you loud and clear, and all these issues will be our priorities in the actions to come.

Finally, the results of this electronic survey are somewhat heterogeneous, sometimes between Departments and Divisions, but also according to profile typologies. The forthcoming strategic plan must take this into account.  
And now?

To meet these challenges, three types of initiative have already been launched:

1. Cross-functional actions integrated into the strategic plan, around the "One Pasteur" ambitions: projects on diversity, equality and inclusion, and CSR, as well as streamlining and simplifying processes, lightening the burden of administrative formalities, bringing together support professions with scientific professions and building an effective and respectful dialogue, etc.

2. Action plans by department or division to meet the specific needs of each team

3. Specific actions to meet identified needs, such as:

•  The introduction of a new job reference framework to clarify roles and responsibilities, promote internal mobility, and better adapt the training offer to the skills required.
•   A support system for managers to help them steer the deployment of the strategic plan and support their teams on a professional and human level.
•   A project to lighten the administrative load on scientists, freeing up time for research.
•  The creation of a transparent, shared dashboard to monitor key indicators for steering the activity of Institut Pasteur.
•  The definition and implementation of new internal event formats to enable the Pasteur community to gather and exchange ideas, in particular the "Town Halls".

These specific actions are coordinated by a project group made up of representatives from the HR Department, the Transformation and Strategic Projects Department, the Communications and Public Affairs Department and all the departments concerned.

What's next?

We've noted that many of you are keen to contribute to future editions of this survey, as well as the comments you've made, in particular to improve the clarity of certain questions. We are committed to taking this feedback into account:

•  Reinforcing the educational aspect of the conditions under which the survey is carried out,
•  Clarifying the wording of certain questions,
•  By reducing the number of questions,
•  By envisaging the presentation of results from angles other than departmental or management aggregates, while respecting our commitment to absolute data confidentiality.
Thank you again for your support!

Best regards,”
Laurent Dépigny, Department of Human Resources
Fanny Forgeau, Department for Transformation and Strategic Projects
Mariana Mesel-Lemoine, Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Henri Pitron, Department of Communications and Public Affairs
