September 23, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
First Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium, An ATC-DDS initiative, November 21, 2022 – Institut Pasteur – Amphitheater Agnes Ullmann
Motivated by a strong will to offer the Institut Pasteur campus a robust, rich and auspicious technological environment, the Executive Scientific Division identified 4 Technology-Targeted Actions (ATC), launched in 2021 (see the article in the September 16 issue of the newsletter).
Among them, the Drug Discovery & Screening ATC (ATC–DDS) aims to foster multidisciplinary and translational collaborative seed projects between IP research laboratories and the PF-CCB Core Facility of the ATC-DDS to unite workforces (biologists and chemists) around Drug Discovery & Screening. Through therapeutic development it aims to tackle a large variety of diseases covered by the Institut Pasteur 2019-2023 Strategic Plan: emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19, antimicrobial resistance (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, etc.), neurological disorders and cancer.
Fabrice Agou and Nienke Buddelmeijer, the ATC-DDS coordinators, as well as the Scientific Organization Committee members Iuliana Ene, Ludovic Sauguet and Olivier Sperandio, are pleased to invite you to the 1st Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium to be held on November 21, 2022 (9am to 5pm) at the Institut Pasteur campus in Amphitheater Agnes Ullmann.
The symposium, open to all IP members and Pasteur Network staff, will highlight the Drug Discovery & Screening activities at the Institut Pasteur through presentations by a guest keynote speaker subsequently illustrated with talks on IP success stories. The future of DDS and your scientific contributions will be discussed during a round-table session.
The event is free but prior registration is required: Sign up here
Find out more (full program will be released shortly)
ATC-DDS Scientific Organization Committee:
Fabrice Agou l Nienke Buddelmeijer l Iuliana Ene l Ludovic Sauguet l Olivier Sperandio
Information and contact: