September 23, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The 1st “Pasteur Stem Cell Brainstorming Day” will take place on Thursday, October 27th, from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm, at the Duclaux amphitheater.
This event is jointly organized by the Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Department, the LabEx REVIVE and the Institut Pasteur Direction. It will showcase the different stem cell-related activities currently ongoing at Institut Pasteur and will lead to propose and discuss actions to federate a bona fide cross-departments Stem Cell initiative on campus.
The program will feature three sessions highlighting different aspects of stem cell biology, with contributions across departments. Topics will include:
stem cels in tissue homeostasis,
stem-cell based approaches to study tissue development and function,
stem cells in disease.
Prof. Hans Clevers will give the keynote lecture on ‘Organoids to model human diseases’.
Prof. Hans Clevers is now is the Head of Pharma Research and Early Development and a Member of the Enlarged Corporate Executive Committee of F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd , in Basel, Switzerland.
He was previously the director of the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht. Throughout his career, he has worked on the role of Wnt signaling in stem cells and cancer. His discoveries include the role of Wnt in adult stem cell biology, Lgr5 as a marker of multiple novel types of adult stem cells, and –finally– a method to grow ever-expanding mini-organs (‘organoids’) from Lgr5 stem cells derived from a range of healthy or diseased human tissues.
The day will end with a roundtable to discuss future actions to reinforce stem cell-related research activities on campus.
Don’t forget to register before Monday, October 11 (registration is free of charge but mandatory)