
New: check out and sign up for the two new MOOCs on Medical Mycology and Modeling of Infectious Disease

The online courses division is offering you the opportunity to register for the following two MOOCs:

  • First edition of the Medical Mycology MOOC, from October 1 to December 20, 2021, led by Dea Garcia-Hermoso and Olivier Lortholary

Fungal diseases currently affect more than a billion people and result in at least a million deaths every year. The high prevalence of fungal diseases is caused by a significant increase in opportunities for interaction between fungi and their hosts.

By the end of the course, you will:
•    Be familiar with the basic concepts in fungal taxonomy and ecology
•    Know how to identify fungi from clinical samples or cultures
•    Understand how emerging factors are involved in the development of fungal diseases
•    Know more about antifungal drugs
•    Understand more about the link between fungal infections and HIV
Registration is open from September 3 to December 13, 2021

To sign up


  • First edition of the Modeling of Infectious Disease MOOC, from October 1 to January 28, 2022, led by Romulus Breban and Pierre-Yves Boëlle

We live in a highly connected world, in which infectious diseases are finding opportunities to spread across the planet as never before in the history of humanity. This raises new public health challenges for all epidemiologists, physicians and biologists involved in preventing and treating infectious diseases. Mathematical and computer models can contribute to this concerted interdisciplinary effort.

They can be used to make short-term predictions about the progression of disease outbreaks, to analyze scenarios about how outbreaks will end, and to understand the impact of public health interventions.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:
•    Develop a model using flow diagrams
•    Identify how organization charts are translated into ordinary differential equations
•    Recognize techniques to derive formulae for the basic reproduction number, R0, and the effective reproduction number, R
•    Identify principles for estimating R0 and R based on data
•    Recognize the SIR model
•    Determine how public health interventions can be modeled using flow diagrams
Registration is open from September 13, 2021 to January 21, 2022

To sign up


The Institut Pasteur's digital diploma in infectious diseases (DNM2IP)

These two MOOCs are part of the 15 MOOCs selected for the Institut Pasteur's digital diploma in infectious diseases (DNM2IP), which was launched in 2019 and already has more than 530 learners registered on every continent.

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