
New awareness sessions on the anti-corruption procedure

On July 20, 2023, the Institut Pasteur President informed you that the Institut Pasteur had adopted a new targeted policy in connection with the introduction of its anti-corruption procedure (in French).
This policy, which is included as an appendix to the Internal Regulations and is also available on ePasteur (in French), formalizes our zero tolerance approach to corruption. It serves as a guide for all staff by highlighting a series of specific prevention and detection measures for different forms of corruption (breaches of the duty of honesty).
Information sessions, followed by compulsory training on these topics, are part of our ongoing strategy to raise awareness and give staff a better understanding of situations where there is a risk of breaching the duty of honesty, so that the Institut Pasteur's anti-corruption framework can be effectively implemented.

In that way, and following a general communication on July 5, 2024, a first series of awarness sessions (in French and in English), given by the Legal Affairs Department and the Internal Audit and Control Department, took place on July 9, 2024 to raise awareness and give staff a better understanding of situations where there is a risk of breaching the duty of honesty, so that the Institut Pasteur's anti-corruption framework can be effectively implemented.

Two new sessions, in French and English, will be held on September 17 for those who were unable to join on July 9. You can find invitations in your Outlook diaries.

•    September 17 from 10.30am to 11.30am in French

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 310 476 366 776

Secret code: waELcy

•    September 17 from 3pm to 4pm in English

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 327 955 877 681

Secret code: bnpfjp


These slots will come up in your Outlook calendar and we would strongly encourage you to attend one of the sessions.
The Legal Affairs Department would like to emphasize the importance of these sessions in helping you to understand about the topic of corruption in the workplace, find out about the measures taken by the Institut Pasteur to prevent and detect it, and familiarize yourselves with the rules in force and the support available if you encounter difficulties.
