
Public debate on "Sepsis – uniting to tackle a little-known threat"

On September 12, from 2 to 5pm, the Institut Pasteur will be hosting a public debate on the theme of sepsis (septicemia), the day before World Sepsis Day. Is sepsis a public health problem in France? For children? For adults? How is this disease treated? How can we control infection? These questions will be addressed during the event, which will be attended by representatives of 12 learned societies, under the aegis of the French Ministry for Solidarity and Health. Discussions will continue with a round table on the theme: "Developing a roadmap to combat sepsis".

Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, will introduce the debate, which will raise awareness of the action taken by the French General Directorate of Health on sepsis. The 12 learned societies taking part in the event are part of a working group set up by the Directorate of Health. Institut Pasteur scientist Jean-Marc Cavaillon is also a member of the group, which is chaired by Prof. Djillali Annane. It has been given the task of providing a detailed analysis of the situation in France which will serve as a basis for future measures to improve the treatment of patients affected by sepsis. This will involve:

  • evaluating the current situation with regard to prevention, diagnosis and clinical treatment of sepsis in France;

  • analyzing World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations and proposing a tailored action plan setting out priorities to tackle the situation in France.

The 70th World Health Assembly, during its ninth plenary meeting on May 29, 2017, drew up a series of recommendations to improve the prevention, diagnosis and clinical management of sepsis, aimed at WHO Member States.

The event will be held on September 12 from 2 to 5pm in the Emile Duclaux lecture hall. You are all welcome to come along.

Consult the program

See the fact sheet (in French)
