
"Introduction to the relationship between science and society": consult the 2021 course program

The aim of this course is to investigate recent developments in the relationship between science and society and to try to provide answers and points for discussion on the questions raised by these developments. It is primarily aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers but is open to anyone interested in the topic, both scientists and non-scientists.

It will take place at the Institut Pasteur on the following Wednesdays: April 14, 21 and 28, and May 5 and 12, 2021 depending on the health context. The mornings will consist of teaching sessions. The afternoons will be used to prepare for a debate on a topical issue, "Vaccination in a crisis situation", with the aim of showing participants how to introduce scientific arguments into social debates. A final half-day will give participants the opportunity to present the debate to speakers, scientists and experts.

Download the program


