responsible campus

Take part in the Institut Pasteur's "2021 Sustainable Development Challenge"

As reflected in its Green Campus program, the Institut Pasteur is acutely aware of the challenges of sustainable development, which are affecting all generations at every level of society. The Institut Pasteur continues to be committed to this issue and is currently offering its staff the opportunity to engage in a participatory project on campus.

In May 2021, the Sustainable Development Department, in collaboration with the Graduate Office in the Department of Education and members of the Make Pasteur Greener group, launched a challenge open to all Institut Pasteur staff (employees, students, post-doctoral fellows, etc.) to come up with projects to help the Institut Pasteur respond to future challenges.

Individuals or groups are welcome to take part in the challenge, which has been divided into four categories: laboratory, office, consumption, and working life. The projects will be evaluated by a panel, which will select the best in each category.

The deadline for proposals is June 23.

Find out more about the challenge, see details about how to take part and the related events

Please send any questions to or to the dedicated Teams section, They will be added to a dedicated FAQ for the challenge (accessible here).
