January 13, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In December 2015 a yellow fever epidemic broke out in Angola, subsequently giving rise to 7,300 suspected cases and nearly 400 deaths. A group of scientists from Oxford University and the Institut Pasteur conducted research into the geographical spread of this epidemic, with the aim of containing this outbreak and optimizing the use of the limited available vaccine stock.
The Jung Foundation for Science and Research has awarded its 2017 Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine to Pascale Cossart...
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and Institut Pasteur wish to strengthen...
The Institut Pasteur has decided to set up a "quality control of purified proteins" service to enhance the quality of your protein samples and improve your results.
On January 6, the new pasteur.fr website was officially launched with the objective to target two separate communities within a single website and to bring the website into line with new trends in Internet usage. In addition, since it was launched back in October 2015, the research.pasteur.fr website has continued to be developed to take account of user feedback. Its second version has also been launch on January 6.
From March 20 to 25, the Institut Pasteur will be offering an "Introduction to R software" training course.
The 2016 leave sheet is now available on the intranet. The completed document should be returned to the HR Department after the end of the month and before the 10th of the following month, together with any leave requests for core hours.
The Technical Department (part of the Technical Resources and Environment Department) would like to inform you that all maintenance of...
• Appel à projets Programme d’actions intégrées de recherche en cancérologie pédiatrique / Institut national du cancer (INCa)
Date limite : 16/01/2017 - minuit
• Aides individuelles jeunes chercheurs - Session de printemps 2017 Master - Aides doctorales - mobilité - fin de thèse - post-doctorat en France / Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARC)
Date limite : 07/02/2017
• Allocations de recherche / Société française d‘hématologie / Fonds de dotation CSL Behring pour la recherche
Date limite : 07/02/2017
• Appel à projets 2017 "Physiopathologie et prise en charge de l’AVC (hors phase aiguë)" / Fondation pour la recherche sur les accidents vasculaires cérébraux AVC (FR-AVC)
Date limite : 09/02/2017
• Appel à projets syndromes de Marfan ou apparentés/ Association Marfan
Date limite : 28/02/2017
• Appel à projets Accompagnement des politiques de prévention et de dépistage des cancers / Institut national du cancer (INCa)
Date limite : 20/02/2017
• Drug discovery programme / Daiichi Sankyo (global pharmaceutical company with corporate origins in Japan)
Deadline : 20/02/2017
• Appel à projets Amorçage de jeunes équipes 2017 / Fondation pour la recherche médicale (FRM)
Dates limites : Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 20/04/2017