Scientific events

2017 Annual Congress of the International Society for Vaccines at the Institut Pasteur

The 2017 International Society for Vaccines (ISV) Annual Congress will be held at the Institut Pasteur in Paris from October 5 to 7, 2017, co-organized by the Institut Pasteur with the Grand programme fédérateur Vaccinology and the Vaccinology Course.

The ISV Annual Congress is the world’s largest scientific conference in the field of vaccines and covers a broad range of topics related to vaccines and immunotherapies. It will bring together individuals from all sectors of the global vaccine community to hear about the latest advances in the field, discuss challenges and opportunities, and network. As in 2016, the Congress will be held in partnership with the International Society for DNA Vaccines and Vaccines Renaissance meeting.

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In addition and to honor the 10th anniversary of the Institut Pasteur Vaccinology course, the Vaccinology course and the GPF Vaccinology will hold a special session entitled “Bringing Vaccinology to the World” during the congress. Speakers will include Paul-Henri Lambert, Adrian Hill, Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuhl, and alumni of the Institut Pasteur vaccinology course.

Date and time: Oct 5, 2017, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Location: François Jacob Auditorium
Attendance of this session is free, no registration is required.

