
Upcoming call for proposals for the Pasteur-Paris University (PPU) international doctoral program and new PPU Participatory Science satellite program

The next call for the recruitment of PPU students for October 2025 is open.

To have your project online in September 2024, please go to the link.  

Projects will be accepted from now through September 1. We will put all the projects on the PPU website according to the rule “first come, first served: the sooner we receive the form, the closer to the top of the website list it will appear”.
The call for candidates will be open from September 9 until October 27, 2024.
The final application, prepared jointly by the chosen applicant and the host lab, with a more detailed project description, will be due by November 12, 2024.

Teams that have already chosen a candidate must still send a project indicating their desire to recruit a student into the program. Later they will receive further instructions to avoid receiving additional applications.
This doctoral program is for students who have obtained or will obtain a master’s degree or equivalent in a foreign (not French) University. The eligibility criteria do not exclude a student internship period in France (less than 1 year!), including at the Institut Pasteur.
The host lab must be affiliated with a Doctoral School of the Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne Université, or Université Paris Saclay. Any scientist with an HDR (and the approval of the unit director) may propose a project for a PPU student. A scientist who is in the process of obtaining his or her HDR may be a co-advisor. The PPU program follows the rules of the universities concerning the number of students per HDR.
The call is also open for the several PPU ‘satellite’ programs. Supervisors who wish to participate in one of these specific programs can follow the same application procedure, just select the option (Oxford, EID, R&T, PS) in the "sponsor" box of the dedicated PPU platform. Besides the specificities of each ‘satellite’ program, all PPU students will follow all the activities proposed by the PPU program.

  • PPU Participatory Science (PS): Experiential knowledge, patient advocacy and citizen involvement are the key words of this brand new PPU program. A unique opportunity for researchers at our institute to propose innovative, interdisciplinary projects that integrate public participation into several disciplines such as neuroscience, microbiology, and public health. Researchers are invited to submit thesis projects that include a "participatory science" component. These projects should highlight the importance of public involvement in research, as well as the potential benefits for human health and research methodology.

Download the flyer

  • PPU Oxford: If the proposed PhD project is about antimicrobial resistance and you are willing to collaborate with the Oxford Chemistry Department, you should select the "PPU-Oxford program" option in the "sponsor" box. PPU-Oxford students will have the possibility to spend up to three months of their PhD in the Chemistry Department at Oxford University.

  • PPU Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID): If the project you apply with is about this topic, your candidate can join ‘One Health – Emerging Infectious Diseases’, a Graduate School with a multidisciplinary approach including not only science and health but also principles of economics and communication.

  • PPU Research & Technology (R&T): To participate in this call you must propose co-supervision from a research entity and platform, both within the Institut Pasteur. The PhD project should aim to provide novel insights on technology aspects and not just be used for research.

  • PPU CNBG: Researchers who submit a project for the PPU will be asked whether they want to participate in the PPU-CNBG call if their candidate does not pass the selection process.


Please note that according to the project topic, the DSSu or DARRI service might discourage you to apply for this call.

CNBG (the biggest pharmaceutical company in China) will select a few candidates for us. The selection will then be completed by us via videoconferences. No more than 2 students will be accepted.
Scientists who have successfully recruited a student for the PPU or any PPU satellite program in the previous 2 calls cannot apply this year.

For any further information, please contact us at

