
‘Building bridges in infection biology’ – joint workshop between Institut Pasteur and EMBL on July 10-11

On July 10-11, the Institut Pasteur and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) are co-organizing a workshop to strengthen their collaboration in the field of infection biology.

The workshop ‘Building bridges in infection biology’ will consist of five sessions with a series of short presentations covering a wide range of topics:

Pathogen-specific protein machineries (chairs: Sebastian Baumgarten, IP, and Eva Kowalinski, EMBL Grenoble)

Map, view and model host-pathogen interfaces (chairs: Maria Bernabeu, EMBL Barcelona, and Jost Enninga, IP)

Host, immunology and microbiome (chairs: David Bikard, IP, and Maria Zimmermann, EMBL Heidelberg)

Anti-infectives and AMR (chairs: Aude Berhneim, IP, and Nassos Typas, EMBL Heidelberg)

Population (pathogen) genetics, epidemiology, computational frameworks and reference collections (chairs: John Lees, EMBL-EBI Hixton, and Michael White, IP)

The workshop will be introduced by Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur.

The two-day event will take place in auditorium François Jacob from Wednesday, July 10 at 1pm to Thursday, July 11 at 1pm. The detailed programme is available here.

The goal of this workshop is to promote discussions between teams from the two institutions that could lead to new collaborative projects. These new projects could then be submitted to the upcoming “Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology” launched by EMBL and Institut Pasteur. More information on this scheme will be available on the page web du SPAIS in the coming days.

For the organizing committee:
Sarah Kaiser et Nassos Tsypas (EMBL), Sebastian Baumgarten et Guillaume Frasca (IP).
