
2030 Strategic Plan: answers to questions raised at the meeting "Pasteur 2030 in action" and publication of the online version of the Institut Pasteur's Strategic Plan

•    "Pasteur 2030 in action" meeting: answers to your questions

As announced in the BIP of December 6, today's issue will feature answers to the questions asked at the meeting but which were not able to be dealt with in the time available.

You can access the answers here (English version coming soon)


•    Publication of the digital version of the Pasteur 2030 Strategic Plan

As announced by the senior management team at the meeting "Pasteur 2030 in action" on December 4, the online version of the Institut Pasteur's Strategic Plan is now available.

You can download it here (in French)Throughout 2050, the senior management team will organize regular "Pasteur 2030 in action" meetings to share the latest progress on the various areas and topics of the Strategic Plan. These meetings will provide an opportunity for regular interaction to support and promote the measures taken to implement Pasteur 2030.


