BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, December 20, 2024


To present the achievements of 2024 and look forward to what lies ahead in 2025 in connection with the Pasteur 2030 Strategic Plan, Yves Saint-Geours, Chairman of the Institut Pasteur Board of Governors, and Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur, are pleased to invite you to the New Year ceremony on January 14, 2025, at 11am in the CIS hall, attended by the Institut Pasteur’s ambassador Erik Orsenna.

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...   


Organized on a monthly basis by the Scientific Council, this lectures are an opportunity to find out about the latest developments in research and knowledge in a particular field. conseil scientifique. They are also a way of establishing links between specific research challenges and the broad scientific topics explored at each session. These unique lectures are aimed at the entire Institut Pasteur community.


Thermo Fisher is a supplier of equipment, analytical instruments, reagents and consumables, software and services for diagnostic and clinical laboratories. A framework collaboration agreement between the Institut Pasteur and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (Thermo Fisher) was signed in February 2020 to develop projects (not related to purchases) between the two parties. A team from the Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI) has been specifically assigned to this partnership.

Human resources

On December 10, the Institut Pasteur held its long-service award ceremony, attended by Yasmine Belkaid, President and François Romaneix, Senior Executive Vice-President Administration and Finance. This year, 87 Institut Pasteur staff members received awards.