Internal communication tools: your opinion counts! From March 5 to 21, 2025, complete the survey about the newsletter, ePasteur and staff emails

From Thursday March 5 to Friday March 21, you are invited to take part in the questionnaire on internal communication tools: the ePasteur intranet, the Institut Pasteur newsletter and staff emails – now is the time to share your thoughts!
The Department of Communications and Public Affairs has launched a questionnaire for all staff to find out more about how you use and consult the Institut Pasteur's internal communication tools (ePasteur intranet, Institut Pasteur newsletter and staff emails).

You will have recently received an email sent by "Communication Institut Pasteur" with the heading "Take part in a survey about your internal communication tools: ePasteur intranet, newsletter and email!," containing a link to complete the questionnaire. Your answers and suggestions will contribute to the ongoing discussions about these tools among the management team to make sure that they continue to be informative, reflect current trends and meet the needs and usage patterns of Institut Pasteur staff.
Anyone working at the Institut Pasteur can complete the questionnaire (no minimum service period required). This includes Institut Pasteur employees on permanent and fixed-term contracts, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students, interns and OREX staff.

It should take you 10 to 15 minutes to share your answers, remarks and suggestions.
The Department of Communications and Public Affairs would like to thank you for your participation and for helping us to develop the Institut Pasteur's internal communication tools.

See you soon!

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