March 07, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
• Establishment of the Institut Pasteur Institutional Biosafety Committee
The Institut Pasteur is committed to conducting research that meets criteria of scientific excellence, while reflecting ethical and social responsibility concerns. All research conducted at the Institut Pasteur must fully comply with applicable regulations. The Institut Pasteur has established a Risk Prevention Department tasked with assessing and analyzing occupational risks related to research, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations to prevent these risks, recommending preventive measures, helping scientists at the institution to complete the administrative steps required for their research and liaising with the relevant authorities.
The various legal and regulatory requirements related to biosafety, transposed into internal procedures, are complex and constantly changing, and they sometimes lead to questions and a lack of understanding among staff concerned, as well as difficulties for research teams in interpreting regulations and implementing these rules.
In our efforts to provide useful support for the Institut Pasteur's teams, it has become clear that there is a need for a body to address and collectively resolve these questions and understanding issues and to adopt a remediation process to overcome deadlock situations in the field of biological risk prevention.
An Institutional Biosafety Committee has therefore been established.
For more information about the committee’s duties, members and operation, see organization memo 0145
• New name for the Scientific Secretariat General
On February 1, 2025, the Scientific Secretariat General, led by Nathalie de Parseval, changed its name to PACS: Scientific Support and Coordination Division.
It will continue to be part of the Department of Scientific Affairs.
PACS has a cross-cutting role: it is responsible for centralization, coordination, analysis, and sharing data on research units with other support departments.
Its tasks include:
• Scientific mapping of units on campus
• Allocation of scientific premises
• Management of the website
• Administrative coordination of the partnership with Inserm and the CNRS
The CeRIS and the Institut Pasteur Publications Department will continue to be affiliated with PACS.
More information in decision memo 1428
• New affiliation for the Grants Office
Since February 1, 2025, the Grants Office, led by Nazaré Guimard, has been affiliated with the Department of Scientific Affairs. Its composition and remit remain the same.
More information in decision memo 1429
• Extension of the Mass Spectrometry for Biology UTechS
The term of the Mass Spectrometry for Biology UTechS, led by Julia Chamot-Rooke, has been extended until December 31, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1430
• Appointment of a BSL3 laboratory scientific coordinator
In view of the French Labor Code, especially articles L. 4121-1 to L. 4121-4, L. 4422-1, R. 4421-1 to R. 4427-5, and the amended implementing decrees of July 18, 1994 laying down the list of biological pathogens and July 16, 2007 laying down technical preventive measures, especially containment, to be implemented in laboratories for research, teaching, analysis, pathogen anatomy and cytology, in autopsy rooms and in industrial and agricultural establishments where workers may be exposed to biological pathogens;
In view of the Institut Pasteur's amended regulation on biological safety in BSL3 containment laboratories dating from July 2001;
Laurine Levillayer is appointed as scientific coordinator of the Jacob 7 BSL3 laboratory, located in the François Jacob building (second level basement).
Laurine Conquet is appointed as deputy scientific coordinator of the Jacob 7 BSL3 laboratory, located in the François Jacob building (second level basement).
Scientific coordinators of BSL3 laboratories (or their deputies if they are absent) are responsible for making sure that users are familiar with and apply the biological safety regulations for BSL3 containment laboratories. In the event of a dispute concerning one or more users, they share their observations with the heads of unit and heads of laboratory concerned, and/or the Risk Prevention Department, so that they can take appropriate measures.
More information in decision memo 1431
• Responsibilities in the area of security
Romain Girod is appointed as Delegate for Safety and Security (DSSu), replacing François Thibault, who is taking retirement.
The following report to the Delegate for Safety and Security:
- The Information Systems Security (SSI) Division, led by Stanislas Poiraud
- The Security Department, led by Gauthier Dulary
Stanislas Poiraud and Gauthier Dulary are also Deputy Delegates for Safety and Security.
Sylvie Chaput remains as Assistant to the Delegate for Safety and Security.
This decision comes into effect on March 1, 2025 and supersedes decision 1322 of June 27, 2023.
More information in decision memo 1432
• Appointment of the Chair of the Institutional Biosafety Committee
In view of organization memo 0145, Christophe Prehaud is appointed as Chair of the Institutional Biosafety Committee.
More information in decision memo 1433
• Appointment of a new member of the Institut Pasteur CETEA
Camille Ménard (University of Bordeaux) has been appointed as a member of the Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation, "CETEA Institut Pasteur" CEEA 89, for three years as from February 12, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1434
• Extension of the Photonic BioImaging UTechS
The term of the Photonic BioImaging UTechS, led by acting head Michael Nilges, has been extended until December 31, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1435
• Extension of the Single Cell Biomarkers UTechS
The term of the Single Cell Biomarkers UTechS, led by Milena Hasan, has been extended until December 31, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1436
• Appointment of the Head of the Institut Pasteur Collection (CIP)
Meriem Paris was appointed as Head of the Institut Pasteur Collection (CIP) on February 10, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1437
• Appointment of the Chief of Staff of the Institut Pasteur President
Yanis M'Zali was appointed as Chief of Staff of the Institut Pasteur President on March 4, 2025.
LMore information in decision memo 1438
• Appointment of the Head of Implementation for the Pasteur 2030 Strategy
Alice de Plunkett was appointed as Head of Implementation for the Pasteur 2030 Strategy on March 3, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1439
• Appointment of the acting Head of the Photonic BioImaging UTechS
Florian Muller was appointed as acting Head of the Photonic BioImaging UTechS on March 1, 2025.
More information in decision memo 1440
• Extension of the Synthetic Biology Unit
A la suite du conseil scientifique de décembre 2024, l'unité Biologie de synthèse, dirigée par David Bikard, est prolongée jusqu’au 28 février 2030, échéance du second et dernier mandat de 5 ans.
More information in information memo 020
• Extension of the Dynamics of Immune Responses Unit
Following the meeting of the Scientific Council in December 2024, the term of the Dynamics of Immune Responses Unit, led by Philippe Bousso, has been extended to February 28, 2030, when it will come to the end of its second and final five-year term.
More information in information memo 021
• Extension of the Innate Immunity Unit
Following the meeting of the Scientific Council in December 2024, the term of the Innate Immunity Unit, led by James Di Santo, has been extended to February 28, 2030, when it will come to the end of its second and final five-year term, unless James Di Santo takes retirement before this date.
More information in information memo 022b
• Extension of the Microenvironment and Immunity Unit
Following the meeting of the Scientific Council in December 2024, the term of the Microenvironment and Immunity Unit, led by Gérard Eberl, has been extended to February 28, 2030, when it will come to the end of its second and final five-year term.
More information in information memo 023
• Extension of the Epidemiology and Modeling of Antibacterial Evasion Unit
Following the meeting of the Scientific Council in December 2024, the term of the Epidemiology and Modeling of Antibacterial Evasion Unit, led by Didier Guillemot, has been extended to December 31, 2029, when it will come to the end of its second and final five-year term, unless Didier Guillemot takes retirement before this date.
More information in information memo 024
• Extension of the Immunoregulation Unit
Following the meeting of the Scientific Council in December 2024, the term of the Immunoregulation Unit, led by Lars Rogge, has been extended to February 28, 2030, when it will come to the end of its second and final five-year term.