January 19, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Following the favorable opinion issued by the Scientific Council in March 2017, the Evolutionary Genetics of RNA Viruses (Génomique évolutive des virus à ARN) five-year group will be set up on February 1, 2018.
This five-year group will be part of the Virology Department and will be directed by Etienne Simon-Lorière, an Expert Research Associate at the Institut Pasteur.
More information in decision memo 769
The decree of March 7, 2017 lays down the list of National Reference Centers (CNRs), CNR-associated laboratories and CNR-expert laboratories for the fight against communicable diseases (see the French legal gazette (JO) of March 9, 2017) as approved by the French National Public Health Agency (Santé publique France) for the term from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2022.
At the Institut Pasteur, CNRs are housed in the research unit involved in research on the same pathogen or in the same scientific field. In general, the Head of Unit also manages the CNR, but there are some exceptions. To make sure all CNR Heads are free to manage their activities, staff and budget, independently of the resources belonging to the unit, it has been decided that from January 1, 2018, a "CNR hub" will be set up within each corresponding research unit for all the CNRs listed in the decree of March 7, 2017.
Read the decision memo and see the list of CNRs based at the Institut Pasteur