March 07, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Real Estate and Technical Department would like to inform you that the following new meeting rooms are now open on the first and third floor of the CIS:
15-01-06 - PACIFIQUE - 16 seats - Meeting
15-01-20 - BALTIQUE - 2 seats - Teams
15-01-25 - ADRIATIQUE - 4 seats - Meeting
15-01-32 - AQUARIUM - 12 seats - Teams
15-01-34 - BOCAL - 2 seats - Teams
15-01-35 - VIVARIUM - 4 seats - Teams
15-01-36A - TERRARIUM - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-15 - PAPYRUS - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-16 - LOTUS - 4 seats - Teams
15-03-22 - NENUPHAR - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-23 - ORCHIDEE - 10 seats - Meeting
15-03-26 - GINKO - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-27 - MAGNOLIA - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-28 - HELIOTROPE - 2 seats - Teams
15-03-31 - OXALIS - 2 seats - Teams
And in the François Jacob building: 26-04-03A – DANIEL CARASSO – 8 seats – Meeting
The Real Estate and Technical Department is also introducing a new room naming system to make it easier to search for free rooms.
Room names will be indicated as follows:
Building – Floor – Room number – Room name – Number of people – Room type – Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
Three room types can be booked, with different equipment:
- Lecture hall: high capacity
- Meeting: holds 4 to 40 people
- Teams: holds 2 to 4 people
There are several room categories:
- Rooms open to reservation by anyone on campus
- Rooms only available for corporate departments (not accessible to other entities)
- Rooms open to reservation by anyone on campus but with priority given to a corporate department, which manages reservations and has the final say if the room is double-booked
The Real Estate and Technical Department has also started to give names to new meeting rooms to personalize them, and is planning to do the same for existing rooms. These names now appear on campus map.
The next step will be to centralize all bookings for rooms and scientific equipment in the PPMS tool (a booking tool introduced by the Department of Technology to book spaces and equipment belonging to core facilities).
Once this has been done, Outlook will only be used to book meeting rooms.
If you have any requests or need help regarding meeting rooms, please email: