
Changes to rules and new measures to access to the campus

To optimize access to the campus, the Senior Executive Division, the Delegate for Safety and Security and the Security Department would like to inform you about the introduction of a number of new measures.
To ease congestion around the main access points, especially given the increase in traffic levels, the Falguière, Vaugirard and 26 rue du Docteur Roux access points were reopened on Monday February 24. They are again available from 7am to 8pm for Institut Pasteur staff, Orex and interns only. Please note that service providers and visitors are not authorized to use these access points.
This decision was taken while maintaining the Vigipirate alert at its highest level. So we would ask you to ensure that you strictly adhere to the applicable safety regulations and to be particularly alert and vigilant. Any failure to comply with regulations will be sanctioned in accordance with the measures laid down in the Internal Regulations, which range from a simple warning to suspension. We will particularly be on the lookout for loans of badges, a practice that has been sanctioned in the past.
We have also decided to ease the security checks for visitors who have already been registered in the visitor management application. These people are considered as "trusted third parties" and will be able to access the site without visual inspections of their bags and luggage. However, visitors who have not previously been registered and participants in external events will continue to undergo bag checks.
Campus access points will remain open without restrictions for all staff from Monday to Friday. To access the site on other days – Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and "bridge" days (ponts) between public holidays and weekends –, you will need to register via GAIP, as explained in the newsletter on December 8, 2023. You can activate your access rights by simply declaring your intention to come onto campus via the app.
Reminder: These rules do not apply to scientists who have requested BSL3 access outside regular working hours, heads of scientific or administrative entities, group leaders, CSE members, members of the management team and the Board of Governors, animal facility staff and on-call staff.
We are counting on your cooperation to guarantee the safety and smooth operation of our site, in a context where the entire country is at the highest level of alert, urgence attentat ("attack emergency").

You can find more publications and training about the Vigipirate national security alert system here (in French).
