
Emerging Infections and Pandemic Risk conference on June 21 and 22

emerging_infectionspandemic_risk_2018_affiche.png 100 years after the deadliest influenza pandemic in human history – the 1918 Spanish flu – emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases continue to pose a threat to public health around the world. Recent illustrations include the SARS, H1N1, MERS-CoV, Ebola and Zika epidemics, all associated with direct health and wider economic burdens and social instability.

Rapid urbanisation, increased mobility and global economic interdependence exacerbate this threat and add to the challenge of containment. Further, 75% of emerging infectious diseases that have affected humans over the past three decades are known to be of zoonotic origin. Human health is now not only affected by an increasingly interconnected world, but human health, animal health and the health of the surrounding ecosystem are inextricably linked. Being adequately prepared to detect, manage and respond to emerging infectious diseases outbreaks has never been so imperative.

On 21-22 June 2018, the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with SCOR Foundation for Science, will bring together leading international scientists and public health professionals for an inaugural conference on the latest evidence for understanding the emergence, spread, detection and control of infectious diseases with pandemic potential.

The conference is free but prior registration is required.

Organizers: Arnaud Fontanet and Simon Cauchemez

Find out more and register
