
Last chance to get pedaling on campus for the 2018 "Vivons Vélo" campaign in aid of the Institut Pasteur

Over the past three weeks since July 9, many of you – including a handful of devoted supporters – have taken part in "Vivons Vélo", a fundraising event to generate support for the Institut Pasteur's research by clocking up the kilometers on stationary bikes.

Some of you took on the clock in spectacular fashion, with the top two cycling impressive distances of 445 and 250 kilometers! Congratulations!
Others preferred to pool their efforts with colleagues and take part in the team challenges.

These individual and team efforts saw many staff turning up en masse and showing their support by making some noise to push the kilometer count up even further. Needless to say, there were some truly memorable moments!

Over this three-week period, you managed to cycle an impressive 2824km, easily beating the initial target of 1,800km. This outstanding performance illustrates the unprecedented groundswell of support for this charity event.

Congratulations to all those who took part, and a big thank you for your support.

The 2018 campaign ends today, Friday July 27, but all cycling fans are invited to come along one last time and pedal a few more kilometers for the final stage.

Thank you to all those who took to the saddle in solidarity, emulating the professionals on the Tour de France, and showed that strength in numbers can advance research in a whole new way!


Here are a few selected highlights
