Media Library

The latest news from the science media library

  • Campus presentations

institutpasteur_i01379.jpg Come and meet the science media library team. The media library will be visiting a different building on campus on Fridays from 12 noon to 2pm to explain about its services, answer any questions and get to know you better!

Its next port of call will be the Fourneau and Bertrand wings of the Duclaux building on Friday, January 8, 2016, from 12 noon to 2pm.

To find out when the media library is visiting your building and for further information, please feel free to:

consult the webite
• contact, ext. 8068


  • Cinema club at the science media library

cinema-2.jpg From December 28 to 31, 2015, the science media library will be showing a selection of science documentaries from its film collection.

Come and see a different documentary every day at 1.30pm in the Jules Bordet room (on the ground floor of the Metchnikoff building (building 67)).

The following films will be shown:

Monday, December 28: The autism enigma: Are bacteria to blame?
by Marion Gruner and Christopher Sumpton, 2011 (52 mins)

Tuesday, December 29: La face cachée du médicament pour enfants [The hidden truth behind medicines for children]
by Sandrine Mary, 2013 (52 mins)

Wednesday, December 30: Abysses, les alliances des profondeurs [Abyss: alliances in the depths]
by Jean-Yves Collet, 2014 (52 mins)

Thursday, December 31: Etienne-Jules Marey, la science au réveil des arts [Etienne-Jules Marey: The interaction of science and art]
by Julia Blagny, Anne Bramard-Blagny and Josette Uebrschlag, 2014 (52 mins)


DVDs from the science media library audiovisual collection are available on loan; please contact, ext. 8068.



  • Training Endnote


The scientific Media Library proposes on Thursday, January 7, from 2 to 5 pm the training: EndNote.

Do you know that you can save a lot of time by making the most of your citation management software EndNote?

Providing a general overview as well as practical application, this training will help you to import your references from databases, create and edit reference files, insert citations into your publications and format your bibliography with EndNote latest version.

Do not hesitate anymore. Come and get a thorough insight of the software.

This training is open to everyone and will take place in English, in room 26-04-17B, at the François Jacob Center.

To register yourself:
