December 18, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Paris Descartes University, Sainte-Anne Hospital and the CNRS have recently published a paper in Nature Communications in which they reveal mayor players in the severe muscle damage caused by sepsis, or septicemia, which explains why many patients suffer debilitating muscle impairment long-term after recovery.
• French National Academy of Medicine's 2015
• "Emergence(s)" call for proposals
• 2015 Claude Paoletti Prize
• Third Award for African researchers at the UNESCO MARS
The Institut Pasteur's senior management team will give its New Year message to all staff on Wednesday January 13, 2016, at 10.30am. In his address, Christian Bréchot will outline the Institut Pasteur's progress and successes in 2015 and the main achievements made under the 2014-2018 strategic plan.
At the Pasteur Medicine Quarter-Hour sessions, two doctors give a brief presentation to Institut Pasteur scientists on the diseases they are involved in treating.
The Tech Lab is an "open lab" that was set up to host technological research and development projects which aim to provide innovative solutions to the biological issues raised on campus.
The European contact points are holding a networking session in Paris on January 13, 2016 to find potential partners for Horizon 2020 projects.
Following the favorable opinion issued by the Scientific Council in June 2015, the Chromatin and Infection (Chromatine et Infection) Unit - one of the projects submitted under the 2014 call for proposals - will be set up on January 1, 2016.
The COMESP is an important committee for the assessment of the activities of senior scientists by their peers.
On November 26, 2015, the Francophone University Agency (AUF) and the Institut Pasteur signed a partnership agreement under which they will launch a joint international call for applications for the directors of new four-year groups (G4s) in the Institut Pasteur International Network.
An international survey is being held until February 10, 2016 to find out about the tools you use on a daily basis for your research.
The aim of this course is to investigate recent developments in the relationship between science and society and to provide answers and ...
The Education Department, in cooperation with the Information Systems Department and the Human Resources Department, is currently reorganizing its administrative management tools for its tutoring system for PhD students.
Let’s go global! With presence in 26 countries and 5 continents, the Institut Pasteur is a global player in the field of research, but also in the field of education. The recent symposium held by the Institut Pasteur International Network demonstrated the importance of education in the network, with a session dedicated to global health education and new training initiatives conceived during the symposium. The Institut Pasteur also develops new training initiatives, such as...
• Campus presentations
• Cinema club at the science media library
• Endnote training
The second round of voting in the elections for new staff representatives has now come to an end.
You can consult all the results on the dedicated web page for the elections
2016 New Year greetings cards are now available.The cards can be collected from the Enzymes Shop in the François Jacob building, which is open every day from 1 to 4.30pm. All those who go to collect cards should wear their badge so that the staff in the Enzymes Shop can register their purchase.
As part of the Unified Communications project, the Vidyo video conferencing solution is currently being rolled out on campus.
The 2016 leave sheet is now available on the intranet.
The Institut Pasteur newsletter team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We'll look forward to seeing you again on January 8, 2016.
The Department of Development - Grant Office (DDGO) aims at implementing key components of the Institut Pasteur’s strategic plan, in particular:
- to develop collaborative research between Institut Pasteur in Paris and its international Network of 33 Institutes Pasteur in 26 countries & 5 continents,
- to tackle societal challenges by promoting interdisciplinary research through various types of incentive calls.
Within the DD-GO, the dedicated office named SPPI (Incentive Research Programs and Partnerships Department – headed by Mallory Perrin-Wolff ( launches and supports a series of strategic research programs, using Institut Pasteur’s own funds for the initial phases. Starting from this highly competitive and exciting project portfolio, the Institut Pasteur will explore any form of partnership, public or private, industrial or philanthropic to establish some long-term financial partnerships.
In this context, in 2016 SPPI is launching 4 calls: PTR, ACIP, PasteurInnov and ValoExpress.
The SPPI will work closely with the Research Applications and Industrial Partnerships Department (DARRI), Infectious Diseases Carnot-Pasteur Institute (Pasteur MI) and the Department of International Affairs (DI) for the selection and support of the projects.