January 11, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Work will begin this month on producing the Institut Pasteur's occupational risk assessment document.
The aim of the risk assessment procedure is to encourage every head of entity (laboratories, platforms and administrative, technical and support departments) to take an active role in risk prevention and improving working conditions. The risk assessment document should be produced by the entity head in cooperation with the health and safety officer and with the input of all staff. Action will then be taken to reduce or eliminate the risks identified during the assessment.
The information gathered should be entered into the IT application "Occupational risk assessment tool (DUER)", available on the intranet (Vie scientifique / Ressources techniques et environnement / Prévention des risques / Outil d'évaluation des risques professionnels – DUER).
Any questions about how to update your risk assessment document may be sent to evalrisk@pasteur.fr.
The original copy of the risk assessment should be signed and sent by internal mail to the Risk Prevention Department by Friday March 22, 2019 at the latest.