January 29, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Olav Thon Foundation, set up in 2013 in Oslo, provides funding for scientific projects in the fields of mathematics, natural sciences and medicine. Several annual prizes and an international prize are awarded to researchers from Norway and around the world.
This year, the International Research Prize was given to Professor Jean-Pierre Changeux for his major pioneering contributions in the field of molecular biology and in particular for his research into the brain.
Every year, the Fondation de France and several other foundations under its aegis award medical prizes in recognition of the work achieved by research teams and as a means of encouraging promising young researchers.
Tribute was paid to five Institut Pasteur scientists at the Fondation de France medical awards ceremony on January 20:
Christophe Zimmer, Head of the Imaging and Modeling Unit, and Spencer Shorte, Head of the Imagopole within the Citech, received the Thérèse Lebrasseur Prize, which rewards research by an Institut Pasteur scientist that does not involve vivisection.
Richard Delorme, a member of the Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions Unit, won the Jean Valade Prize, which is awarded for medical research by one or more French-speaking scientist(s) with an immediate diagnostic, pathophysiological or therapeutic application.
Petya Krasteva from the Structural Biology of Bacterial Secretion Unit was given the Jacques Monod Prize, which goes to a scientist who has carried out research in a French laboratory on the molecular aspects of cell regulation.
Xavier Montagutelli, a member of the Mouse Functional Genetics Unit and Head of the Central Animal Facility, received the Georges Zermati Prize, which is given to an Institut Pasteur scientist in any discipline.
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, was founded in 1955 to share knowledge in the fields of optics, photonics and imaging. It runs conferences that cover all areas of optics and publishes several journals and books. It currently has more than 190,000 members in 138 countries.
Each year, SPIE elects new members in recognition of their significant contribution to the scientific community in multidisciplinary fields relating to optics, photonics and imaging. The 32 new members elected this year include Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Head of the Bioimage Analysis Unit, Director of the Citech and Chief Technology Officer.