September 18, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
A general meeting was held for all staff yesterday, Thursday September 17. This meeting, organized by the senior management team, was attended by 700 Institut Pasteur employees, either in person in the CIS auditorium in compliance with the maximum occupancy limit under the current health regulations, or remotely via Teams.
While reiterating the Institut Pasteur's concerted efforts in response to the ongoing health crisis, the meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the impact and repercussions of the crisis on the implementation of the Strategic Plan, on scientific progress at the Institut Pasteur, and on public gifts and donations, budget planning and human resources. The Institut Pasteur's remarkable ability to mobilize expertise in this difficult context while also remaining active in other fields was particularly highlighted.
Institut Pasteur President Stewart Cole spoke about the progress made on the Strategic Plan, especially the real estate master plan and the e-Lab project. Scientific Director Christophe d’Enfert gave a summary of the latest achievements in the scientific projects coordinated by the Coronavirus Task Force and the Department of International Affairs and also analyzed the impact of the crisis on non-COVID-19 scientific projects. Jean-François Chambon, Vice-President Communications and Fundraising, looked at the question of public gifts and donations and emphasized the considerable generosity of the French people in supporting the Institut Pasteur's scientists. François Romaneix, Senior Executive Vice-President Administration and Finance, then spoke about how the crisis has affected the budget, while Odile Hermabessière, Vice-President Human Resources, outlined the results of the flash survey on lockdown and post-lockdown sent out to all staff in July. Finally, Medical Research Director Bruno Hoen shone a light on the latest developments in the COVID-19 outbreak and offered some insights into the current situation in France.
All these presentations gave a broad view of the Institut Pasteur's efforts and a clearer idea of how it has been affected by the crisis. The meeting was also an opportunity for Stewart Cole to remind staff that by looking to the future, we can respond more effectively, learn to adapt and keep in step with a health situation that is constantly changing.
A question and answer session from within the auditorium or via Teams was held after the presentations. With many questions asked, this opportunity for discussion gave Institut Pasteur staff a wealth of useful information from the various speakers.
A satisfaction survey has been sent out by email so that you can give us your views on the organization and interactive nature of the meeting and the topics discussed. We hope that you will complete the survey so that we can continue to improve these regular staff meetings. It will take less than 5 minutes of your time.
Watch the staff meeting held on September 17, 2020(because of technical problems, there is no sound during the first 2 minutes of the video)
Documents and presentations for internal use only