BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, April 26, 2019


A team of researchers from Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ), Inserm and Pasteur Institute (Unité Mixte de Recherche 1181 Biostatistique, biomathématique, pharmacoépidémiologie et maladies infectieuses – B2PHI) has been able to provide for the first time an accurate estimate of both the incidence (annual number of new cases)...

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...



Each month, the Institut Pasteur Scientific Council organizes a lecture by a scientist on campus. This regular event is an opportunity to find out how research and knowledge are progressing in a specific field. It is also a way of establishing links between research issues and the broad scientific topics that are explored during the events.

Art and science

The "Organoid" project, launched in 2014 by the artist Fabrice Hyber and the Institut Pasteur with the support of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, was set up to offer a new perspective on scientific activities through the creation of original, compelling artworks that portray the challenges of biomedical research. The project soon caught the eye of a number of artists, including Barthélémy Toguo.