April 30, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
"Dear all,
At its meeting today, the Institut Pasteur Board of Governors took two decisions:
1) After hearing the President speak about his priorities for the period, it appointed Stewart Cole for a new two-year term, from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023.
This decision, taken with the full agreement of Stewart Cole, is based on the President's commitment to the development and implementation of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, one of the main priority areas of which is the fight against infectious diseases, and on his ability to carry out the reforms needed in view of the changing landscape of research in France.
The Board of Governors and the President share the aim of finalizing several ambitious initiatives, in particular pursuing the partnership with Université de Paris, strengthening our ability to innovate, implementing an ambitious real estate plan and modernizing the organization of the International Network.
The goal of Stewart Cole's new term will be to develop scientific initiatives and to pursue outstanding research and innovation. It is in the Institut Pasteur's best interests to successfully approach the next few years by adopting a twofold strategy that looks to the future while maintaining the continuity of the senior management team to bring the Institut Pasteur out of the pandemic as smoothly as possible.
After discussions with all stakeholders, the President will initiate a dialog with the campus and its institutions to promote an open, constructive relationship.
2) The Board of Governors will shortly set up an international search committee, chaired by Edith Heard, Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), who has agreed to take on this responsibility.
Our aim is to recruit a new President by early 2023 at the latest, to pave the way for a successful transition.
The Board of Governors reaffirms its confidence in the President and in all the teams for the success of the Institut Pasteur.
Christian Vigouroux
Chairman of the Board of Governors
Read the press release relating to Stewart Cole's new appointment (in French)