BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, April 30, 2021


Drawing on epidemiological field studies and the FrenchCOVID hospital cohort coordinated by Inserm, teams from the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS and the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI, Inserm/University Paris-Est Créteil) studied the antibodies induced in individuals with asymptomatic or symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.


Describing the genetic diversity of human populations is essential to improve our understanding of human diseases and their geographical distribution. However, the vast majority of genetic studies have been focused on populations of European ancestry, which represent only 16% of the global population.

Scientific events

Le secrétariat général scientifique compile les conférences et publications de la semaine, les brevets, les opportunités de financements, les offres de poste, les formations et événements utiles pour votre carrière…



The lectures organized by the Scientific Council are an opportunity to find out about the latest developments in research and knowledge in a particular field. They are also a way of establishing links between specific research challenges and the broad scientific topics explored at each session. 

Human resources

The Institut Pasteur has reached the objectives set for 2020 in its profit-sharing agreement, thanks to sustained collective and individual efforts. The conditions to trigger profit sharing (financial leverage and achievement of performance criteria) have been met, meaning that individual bonuses can be paid to eligible employees.