
Institut Pasteur Medical Center ready to receive patients

For the duration of the Olympics and Paralympics, the Institut Pasteur Medical Center (CMIP) is available to receive any patients – including those traveling to France for the Games – with symptoms related to its areas of expertise, especially febrile illness. 

The CMIP specializes in prevention, especially before foreign travel, with its International Vaccination Center. It is also involved more generally in treating travel-related diseases or people who have been exposed to health risks while abroad. It hosts the Anti-Rabies Center for the Greater Paris Region and offers consultations for infectious and tropical diseases, aimed at patients with chronic infections and also those with acute infectious diseases, whether tropical or not.

The Medical Center can be accessed rapidly by anyone with febrile illness, including without an appointment, after initial telephone screening. It works in collaboration with a nearby medical test laboratory and can offer rapid diagnosis for most infectious diseases, especially for returning travelers, such as malaria, dengue or other milder diseases such as travelers' diarrhea or tropical skin conditions (leishmaniasis, cutaneous larva migrans, etc.).


"The Olympic and Paralympic Games will attract several millions of visitors to Paris, especially tourists. The Institut Pasteur Medical Center team is on hand if any visitors experience fever or need treatment for potentially infectious diseases that might develop during their trip to Paris, whether malaria, arboviruses or more cosmopolitan diseases".

Paul-Henri Consigny
Director of the Institut Pasteur Medical Center



"The summer period is usually a strong and intense time in the life of CMIP. The teams are ready and reinforced.
The goodwill, cohesion and professionalism that characterise the centre's teams will be used to provide services to the public and the patients we receive during the Olympic Games.

Élodie Marie
Deputy Director of the Institut Pasteur Medical Center
