May 15, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
On March 30, you received guidelines for paid leave and additional leave (JRTT).
This email stipulated "Working on the basis of a resumption of work and an end to the confinement in early May, all employees are strongly discouraged from taking more than three days of paid leave during the month of May".
To allow staff to have rest days after 2 months of lockdown, we would like to inform you that it will now be possible to take more than 3 days of paid leave/additional leave, with the agreement of your managers.
The principle of carrying over unused leave remains the same. For details see the HR memo of March 30: any unused leave not taken by May can exceptionally be carried over beyond the usual deadline of May 31, with different deadlines for each employee situation (1 to 4).
You can find information on the exceptional measures for paid leave and additional leave on Webcampus.
As you know, the plan for lockdown exit starting from May 11th includes a new derogatory trip certificate required to use public transport in Ile-de-France at peak hours between 6:30am and 9:30am, and between 4pm and 7pm. This document certifies that professional trips cannot be postponed or are essential for employees who cannot work remotely.
To date, all those who already had a certificate during the period of the Business Continuity Plan, and all those who have returned since May 11, have received a new certificate for traveling to and from work. If you use public transport, you must complete this pre-filled certificate, indicating the time windows in which you plan to travel to and from work.
For those who will have to come back later: you need to complete the questionnaire available on the link below, only when you have a planned date for your return: here.
Please indicate Last name, First name, home address and your staff number.
Certificates will be delivered within 24h.
These certificates are valid until the end of June.
Note : If you do not have the possibility to print the certificate, you will be able to select directly the correct time slots in the e-mail after you forward it and identify yourself as the adressee of the e-mail.
With regard to the certificates needed to travel further than 100km from home and also for business trips for which special permission has been given, staff must produce:
- a travel declaration form, to be filled in by those concerned. The template can be found here
- proof of address or place of residence dating from less than a year ago
- an employer certificate
To enable us to produce employer certificates, managers should send a list of those staff concerned to, with the following information: Last and first name of the staff member, starting address, end address (if different from the Institut Pasteur Paris), mode of transport.
The certificates will be sent to those staff concerned as soon as possible.
Please note that, in accordance with the basic principles of the Institut Pasteur PBRP, certificates are limited to employees using public transport and authorized by their line managers to work on campus.
As a reminder :
- Employee presence on campus is limited to 800 people per day. Filling level will be monitored accurately several times a day in order to react if the number is exceeded. If so, we will then have to review the quota allocated to each unit.
- Priority is given to the following units for returning to work on campus: Covid-19 research laboratories, public health activities (in particular CNR, CIBU, CMIP) and animal facilities. Covid-19 unrelated research units should continue to operate in reduced mode of activity for a few more weeks.
- Imperative continuation of remote work/teleworking for all functions, except activities requiring experiments on the bench.Occasional returns of Pasteurian employees who work remotely will remain an exception and should respond to urgent requirements validated by line managers.
The PBRP team and the Human Resources Department.
Here are the recommendations of the Technical Department:
• In all offices and meeting rooms:
We would recommend not using air conditioning units and setting them to "Off" if there is an On-Off switch.
If the room has a window, it should be aired three times a day.
If the room does not have a window, the mechanical ventilation system will continue to supply new air; nothing needs to be done.
• Lecture halls: we would recommend not using lecture halls until further notice.
• In BSL-1 and BSL-2 laboratories, we would recommend turning off the air conditioning units.
• Laboratories containing a specific scientific process (microscope, sequencer, etc.) should continue to be used in the same way as usual.
• Technical facilities should continue to be used in the same way as usual.
Ventilation systems will be kept running 24/7 in all premises to improve the circulation of air.
For further information, please contact the Technical Department (on 9333 or by mail at
Supporting and guiding you remotely during this extraordinary period is important, that's why this Webcampus page contains a host of ideas on how to keep in touch, chat, share your thoughts, develop your skills and escape the daily routine – remotely!
Although the day-to-day reality of this unprecedented situation is very different from one Institut Pasteur employee to the next (lockdown, working from home or coming to campus for priority activities), one thing remains essential for our community, and that is to cultivate a spirit of solidarity and to keep in touch with colleagues, teams and contacts.
New information published on May 15, 2020:
Adopting the right posture even when working from home – preventing musculoskeletal disorders – (May 15, 2020Check out the information already published:
Maintaining a sense of team spirit (March 27, 2020) (in French)Continuing to develop our skills (April 3, 2020) (in French)
Developing good email etiquette (April 10, 2020) (in French)
Keeping moving and escaping the daily routine (April 24, 2020) (in French)
In the current circumstances, social media can attract harmful behavior that may affect the image and reputation of the Institut Pasteur and its scientists.
For the past few days, fake profiles claiming to be from the Institut Pasteur have published information about COVID-19 that is incorrect or not from the Institut Pasteur's scientists.
It is more important than ever to remain vigilant and to report any behavior that seems suspicious by email to:
We would remind you that if you receive malicious questions, messages or calls following the publication of fake news, or if you notice that an account has been taken over or are led to believe that your social media accounts have been hijacked, please send an email to to report the incident so that it can be dealt with as quickly as possible.