September 11, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The ceremony that traditionally marks the anniversary of Louis Pasteur's death will be held at noon on Monday, September 28, 2015 in the crypt of the Pasteur Museum. All staff are invited to attend the commemoration ceremony.
It is with profound sadness that Institut Pasteur has just learned of the untimely death of Professor Anatoly Zhebrun.
Whether you are new to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), or completely familiar with it, Citech invites you to attend a seminar. You will be given a brief introduction to Illumina Next Generation Sequencing employed at the Biomics Pole (Citech) - Pasteur, followed by scientific presentations including unique applications and results.
The 14th edition of the Institut Pasteur Laboratory Show will take place from 10am to 5.30pm on September 17 in the CIS hall and auditorium.
As announced last week, the new version of the institutional website, including the new Research section, will be available very soon.
• FlowJo training, version X
• Business development and biomedical innovation
This year, the Institut Pasteur's annual campaign to raise awareness and funds will focus on the fighting spirit that drives its scientists, day by day, to strive for advances in research and improvements in human health. This new edition of Pasteurdon will take a closer look at the unquenchable thirst that motivates scientists to discover new prevention strategies and therapeutic approaches to tackle major health problems such as AIDS, cancer, emerging diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and antibiotic resistance.
The Pasteurdon visual this year, incarnated by Jean-Claude Manuguerra, shows how the Institut Pasteur's ongoing struggle against viruses, diseases, infections and epidemics...
Enrollment fees are refunded to PhD students working on the Institut Pasteur campus and enrolled in a French university at their PhD 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.
All the documents that you produce or receive serve as proof of your work and provide a trace of your activities.
Come and meet the science media library team.
The annual appraisals – objectives and competencies – for staff of categories 1 to 6 and executive administrative and technical staff began at the end of June.
This year's European Heritage Days will be held on September 19 and 20.
Once again, the Pasteur Museum will be involved in this event
Are you looking for a way to spend your excess energy or simply to relax? Come and discover the many activities on offer at the Institut Pasteur sports club. You're sure to find a sport that suits you!
Ministère Serbe de l’Education, de la Science et du Développement technologique et en France ministères des Affaires étrangères et du développement international (MAEDI) et de l’Education nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR) - Partenariat Hubert Curien PHC franco-serbe : programme Pavle Savic
Deadline : 12/10/2015
EDCTP : Improved treatment and clinical management of poverty-related diseases
Deadline : 15/10/2015 (Letter of Intent)
EDCTP : Strategic actions supporting large-scale clinical trials
Deadline : 15/10/2015 (Letter of Intent)
Fondation Philippe Chatrier : Prix de recherche médicale
Deadline : 15/10/2015
Association Française du Syndrome de Rett (AFSR) : Appel à projets - Session automne 2015
Deadline : 15/10/2015
Fondation d'Entreprise SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Aide à la recherche 2015/2016
Deadline : 16/10/2015
Citech : 1st call
Deadline : 30/10/2015