December 11, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur's senior management team will give its New Year message to all staff on Wednesday January 13, 2016, at 10.30am. In his address, Christian Bréchot will outline the Institut Pasteur's progress and successes in 2015 and the main achievements made under the 2014-2018 strategic plan. This event will also be an opportunity to present the plan to set up an Institut Pasteur Saclay Center.
The challenge represented by the EU's policy on research and innovation and the associated funding programs is one the Institut Pasteur needs to embrace.
The Partnerships and Incentive Research Programs Department is pleased to inform you that four calls for proposals will be launched in January 2016
Elections to replace outgoing members of the COMESP will be held on December 15, 2015, from 13.30pm to 16pm in the Dedonder room on the 4th floor of the CIS building.
This December, the Institut Pasteur in French Guiana is celebrating 75 years of scientific research and discoveries. The Institut Pasteur in French Guiana, which was set up on December 7, 1940 and was originally known as the "Institut Pasteur of French Guiana and the Inini Territory", now has around a hundred staff members. Day in, day out, it remains focused and committed to its Pasteurian mission of fighting infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, which kill millions of people around the world each year.
The aim of the MediLabSecure project is to build a strong network of laboratories working on emerging viruses that are pathogenic for humans and/or animals.
The Training Department in the Human Resources Department is pleased to present the new course run by the Institut Pasteur Teaching Center.
Consult the latest special issues of the Institut Pasteur's two scientific journals here: Research in Microbiology and Microbes and Infection.
Since yesterday morning, the voting has been open for members of the Works Council and staff representatives. This online voting service is available 24/7 and can be accessed from any computer (at home, at work or in public areas). To log in, you will need to use the codes sent by post to your home address (the same codes you used to vote in the first round of the elections). The second round of voting will be open until 3pm on Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
The Institut Pasteur wouldn't be able to produce research at the highest level without the efforts of all its staff members.
L'Académie des sciences sélectionne 6 jeunes chercheurs/premiers auteurs des « Grandes Avancées Françaises en Biologie 2015 ou 2016 », et les invite avec leur directeur de recherche à présenter leurs résultats dans la Grande salle des séances de l'Institut de France.
Les lauréats seront récompensés par le prix Académie des sciences.
La date limite de dépôt des dossiers est fixée au 28 février 2016.
La séance publique aura lieu le 21 juin 2016.
Description recommandation
Appel à candidature
Formulaire candidature
En savoir plus
• Allocations 2016 - Société francophone du diabète (SFD)
Date limite: 11/12/2015 (minuit)
• Allocation de recherche du Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur les Ostéoporoses (GRIO)
Date limite: 23/12/2015
• Chateaubriand Fellowship - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) - Embassy of France in the United States
Deadline: 20/01/2016 - 12:00 pm EST
• Integration of Infectious Diseases and Substance Abuse Intervention Services for Individuals Living with HIV (R01) - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Several deadlines: next 02/02/2016 (Letter of Intent)
• Seek, Test, Treat and Retain For Youth and Young Adults Living with or at High Risk for Acquiring HIV (R01) - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Several deadlines: next 17/02/2016 (Letter of intent)
• Small-Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Consortium: Innovative Approaches to the Prevention and Early Detection of Small Cell Lung Cancer (U01) - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Several deadlines: next 17/02/2016 (Letter of intent)
• Appel à candidature 2016 "Les grandes avancées françaises en biologie présentées par leurs auteurs" - Académie des sciences
Date limite: 28/02/2016
• Legs Poix 2016 - Chancellerie des Universités de Paris
Date limite: 01/03/2016