
Evolution of the Institut Pasteur statutes: general information meeting on March 18 only by videoconference - Message of Christian Vigouroux

Message of Christian Vigouroux, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dear all,

On February 28, the Institut Pasteur's Board of Directors unanimously adopted a proposal to amend the Institut Pasteur's articles of association on three points:

  • as from the end of the current term, extending the length of the President's term from 4 to 6 years and increasing the age limit on the date of appointment or renewal from 65 to 67;

  • including more external members in the composition of the Scientific Council: 10-12 external members and 4-6 Institut Pasteur members, as opposed to the current ratio of 8 and 8. The overall number would remain 16, including 4 elected internal members;

  • updating the financial provisions.

Together with the Board of Directors, I will be holding an information meeting on March 18 to present these proposals, which will be discussed by the Institut Pasteur General Meeting at its session on March 23.

Warning :
Given the context of the current epidemic and the need to avoid gatherings of people as much as possible, this meeting will not be face-to-face and can only be followed remotely. To do this, simply connect to your workstations, on campus or by telecommuting, by clicking on the following link (link not functional to date):
User: pasteur
Password: livestream

Kind regards,

Christian Vigouroux
Chairman of the Board of Directors
