October 21, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
At its annual meeting on June 21, the Institut Pasteur General Meeting voted by an absolute majority not to approve the report submitted by the Board of Directors. In accordance with article 11 of the Institut Pasteur's articles of association, this vote meant that all the elected members of the Board of Directors - 16 of the 21 members - had to be replaced. The five ex officio members remain on the Board.
The aim of the award is to recognize talent, encourage creation and reward the achievements of scientists.
The immune system can be highly active in some people but much less effective in others. This has major implications for the body's level of protection against pathogens - but what is the reason for these differences? As we prepare the ground for the personalized medicine of the future, we need to be able to identify the factors that affect our response to viral and bacterial infections so that we can understand why some people are predisposed to certain diseases.
The principal aim of this event is to gather scientists from the Institut Pasteur International Network (including Institut Pasteur Paris) interested to submit collaborative...
You are invited to come along to the upcoming "Science and Society" seminar on Wednesday November 2 at 6pm in room 28-01-01A of the François Jacob building.
Under the initiative of the Education Department, the C3BI is setting up a brand new « Introduction to data analysis » course.
Every month, the Education Department, the MAASCC welcome and support structure for contract researchers and the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department run an event offering scientists interested in business development the chance to meet a leading figure and entrepreneur in the area of biotechnology. The aim is to encourage those interested in setting up their own company.
The aim of bibliography management software is to simplify the task of managing bibliographical references for scientists writing articles.
On October 20, the Institut Pasteur held its long-service award ceremony. This year, 69 Institut Pasteur staff members received awards.
As part of the security master plan that has been rolled out on campus by the Technical Resources and Environment Department, the technology in the staff badges used to access the Paris site is being changed. All staff are required to change their badge and update their profile photo.
On Saturday October 15, 70 Institut Pasteur staff and donors took part in the Assu 2000 "Défi Run", flying the flag for the Institut Pasteur in the glorious sunshine.
The Logistics Department would like to inform you that the Institut Pasteur's Dispatch Department will be closed on the morning of Monday October 24.
As Tuesday November 1 is a holiday, the Enzymes Shop will be open in the afternoons of Friday October 28 and Wednesday November 2 from 1 to 4.30pm.
• The Dana Foundation / Clinical Neuroscience Research Grant Program
No Deadline
• American Academy of Neurology (Sponsored by the AAN and the American Brain Foundation and funded through the philanthropy of the Potamkin family) / Potamkin prize for research in Pick's, Alzheimer's and related diseases
Deadline: 26/10/2016
• Appel à candidature Fonds d’aide à la recherche et à l’évaluation en hépato-gastroentérologie (FARE) / Société nationale française de gastro-entérologie (SNFGE)
Date limite : 06/11/2016 minuit
• Prix Pierre Durand et Marie-Thérèse Chevalier 2016 / Fondation Pierre Durand & Marie-Thérèse Chevalier, sous l’égide de la Fondation de France et de la Société nationale française de gastro-entérologie (SNFGE)
Date limite : 11/11/2016
• Consulat Général de France à São Paulo/Institut Français du Brésil, l'USP, l'UNICAMP et l'UNESP / Appel à candidatures - 7ème édition du programme "Chaires franco-brésiliennes dans l'Etat de São Paulo"
Date limite : 11/11/2016
• Appel à projet Emergence - IdEx SUPER / Sorbonne Universités
Date limite : 15/11/2016
• Appel à projets de recherche conjoints AUF-FRS / Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) / Fonds de Recherche Scientifique (FRS) auprès du Ministère de l’éducation et de la science de Bulgarie
Date limite : 15/11/2016
• Bourse qualité de vie des patients 2017 / France Lymphome Espoir
Date limite : 30/11/2016
• Bourse Sacha 2017 / France Lymphome Espoir
Date limite : 30/11/2016
• Prix Jeune Chercheur 2017 / France Lymphome Espoir
Date limite : 30/11/2016
• Role of Peripheral Proteostasis on Brain Aging and on Alzheimer’s Disease (R01) / National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 12/12/2016 - 17:00 (Letter of Intent)
• Nicotinic Immune Modulation in the Presence of HIV-1 Infection (R01) / National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 17/12/2016 - 17:00 (Letter of Intent)
• Appel à Projets annuel / Vaincre la Mucoviscidose (VLM)
Date limite : 18/12/2016 (lettre d’intention)
• Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international / Appel à candidatures du programme de bourses d'excellence Eiffel 2017
Date limite : 06/01/2017