BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, November 9, 2018


On November 14, 2018, the Institut Pasteur will celebrate the 130th anniversary of its inauguration which took place on November 14, 1888. The Institut Pasteur was officially opened by French President Sadi Carnot. For this occasion, a high-level conference on global health will be organized, on the Parisian campus on the eve of the inauguration, November 13, 2018.

Scientific events

Le secrétariat général scientifique compile les conférences et publications de la semaine, les brevets, les opportunités de financements, les offres de poste, les formations et événements utiles pour votre carrière…


As those of you who came along to the Pasteurdon launch event on October 10 will have seen, this year's campaign was based on the powerful idea of the importance of defending research to continue tackling the threats facing human health. It used highly evocative images and sounds to draw the attention of the public, both in the short films and in the campaign visuals.


The first laboratory at the Institut Pasteur de Guinée was officially opened on October 22, 2018. Based at Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, the Pasteur Laboratory will mainly focus on training, diagnostics and research. With the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Expertise France agency, in connection with the LAB-NET program1 a 230m2 space generously provided by Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry has been turned into a modern training center, the Pasteur Laboratory.

Human resources

A new HR calendar was adopted in June to better meet campus requirements and optimize the successive HR campaigns held throughout the year. As announced in June, the appraisals and career development reviews will now take place in the period from December to February, and requests for promotion (the Promotion Committee process, for non-scientific staff) should now be communicated by managers over the same period.