February 12, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
With the school holidays coming up, the BCP Committee would like to give a general overview of changes to the applicable measures on campus following the recent recommendations by French health authorities to reduce the circulation of the virus in light of the increased transmissibility of the variants.
In May 2020, the newsletter team reported that a new dedicated "SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19" space was being developed on the pasteur.fr website to help organize and showcase all the content about the Institut Pasteur's pandemic response. Details about research projects, press releases, news items, videos, a disease fact sheet and information about fake news have been compiled in a single user-friendly space...
The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...
The Institut Pasteur is launching a call for applications for the Georges, Jacques & Elias Canetti and René & Andrée Duquesne Awards. These prizes will go to permanent scientists on campus (Institut Pasteur and Orex) for the excellence of their research.
With more than 10.8 million visits in 2020, the Institut Pasteur website has become a valued resource for communicating with both the general public and specialists in various fields (scientists, industry stakeholders, investors, technology transfer offices, etc.) about the Institut Pasteur's history, the scope of its work and its four key missions: research, health, education and innovation.
The Institut Pasteur will organize the sixth edition of the two-day training “Start me up Pasteur” on June 24th and 25th, 2021. This online workshop (except changes in sanitary conditions) aims to stimulate the creation of startups in Life Sciences.