BIP: the Institut Pasteur Newsletter, September 18, 2015


On Monday September 21, 2015 a protocol of agreement for the creation of the Institut Pasteur of Guinea was signed in Conakry between the Republic of Guinea and the Institut Pasteur. The Institut Pasteur of Guinea will be the 33rd member of the Institut Pasteur International Network, and will be set up in response to the requirements outlined by the authorities in Guinea following the Ebola crisis, with the express aim of addressing epidemic emergencies, actively monitoring infectious diseases and conducting research into such diseases, as well as training and supporting Guinean scientists in outbreak prevention initiatives.


The ceremony that traditionally marks the anniversary of Louis Pasteur's death will be held next Monday, September 28, 2015 in the crypt of the Pasteur Museum. All staff are invited to attend the commemoration ceremony.


Since its inception in 2006, the Georges, Jacques and Elias Canetti Award has supported Institut Pasteur scientists, with the aim of promoting a better life for the global community.


• Call for projects  with the Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.

• Internal seminar by the Citech on CRISPR systems and technology, on October 20, with a dozen short presentations by campus scientists working on the subject.

• "Breakthrough" sessions with the Institut Pasteur centers of research and ine International Department Affairs. The international scientific symposium, will be held in Paris from 14 to 16 October 2015 and will gather scientists from all around the world.


The theme of the EMBO Conference was inspired by seminal studies of François Jacob on gene regulation and by his reflection on evolution.


• Publication of the new Education Department newsletter. The third issue of the Education Department newsletter is out now! Hope you all enjoy reading it.

• MOOCs calls for projects. In the context of a new strategy for education, the Institut Pasteur is promoting the development of digital teaching, especially MOOCs.

Media Library

• Campus presentations

• Seminar "F1000: a new way of discovering, writing and sharing science"

• Training: EndNote


The annual intercultural seminar organized by the HR department on the topic "Settling and Living in France" will take place on Tuesday, October 20. Don't forget to note the date in your diaries!


To support the upcoming edition of Pasteurdon, a new responsive campaign website, in line with the new editorial and graphic design of, will be coming online shortly.


  • Focus on: 2016 ANR Action Plan.

The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching its 2016 Action Plan and Generic Call for Proposals. For the 3rd year running, several funding instruments will be available for:

- Collaborative research projects (PRC)
- Collaborative research projects involving enterprises (PRCE)
- Collaborative international research projects (PRCI)
- Young researchers (JCJC)

PRC, PRCE, or JCJC projects relating to the major societal challenges or the "All-knowledge challenge" will be submitted and assessed according to the criteria below, in two stages:

         - Stage 1: the deadline for submission of pre-proposals (max. 5 pages) is extended to October 15, 2015 at 1pm (Paris time). Pre-proposals will be submitted on line and the site is now open.

         - Stage 2: on selection of their pre-proposal after stage 1, the applicants concerned will be invited to submit a full proposal (max. 30 pages). The submission deadline is set at the start of April 2016.

Specific case for PRCI projects: PRCI projects are governed by a two-party agreement between the ANR and a foreign funding agency and will be assessed according to a separate procedure. These proposals will be submitted in one stage (start of April 2016) with an initial pre-registration (deadline: October 15, 2015).

The above-mentioned terms do not apply to the other calls and programs of the 2016 Action Plan or to specific European and international calls (ERA-NET, JPI, etc.), for which there is a specific call document for each one.

Full details of the 2016 Action Plan and Call for Proposals are available on the ANR website.

Like in 2015, the ANR is requesting a forecast of funding needs on submission of pre-proposals. This amount should be a fairly accurate representation (+/- 15%) of the sum that will be requested in the full proposal.

In this matter, you are strongly advised to contact the Research Contracts Department (via email to which can help you prepare your application, and to submit your pre-proposals on BPM as early as possible and no later than 5 working days before the submission deadline.


  • Société Française de Radiologie (SFR) / Medicen / Syndicat national de l'industrie des technologies médicales (SNITEM) - Prix Médicen
    Date limite: 30/09/2015


  • Fondation Apicil - Appel à projets 2015 sur la douleur et sa prise en charge
    Prochaine échéance: 15/10/2015


  • Fondation Fyssen - Subventions de recherche
    Date limite: 21/10/2015 - 12:00


  • Filiale de Cardiologie Pédiatrique et Congénitale de la Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourses de recherche "Pathologies cardiaquqes congénitales et cardiaques fœtales et pédiatriques
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourse de recherche "Sport et Cardiologie"
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourse Hélène de Marsan "Cardiologie pédiatrique ou congénitale"
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourse de recherche "Fibrillation atriale et gestion du risque hémorragique sous anticoagulants oraux
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourse de recherche "Les syndromes coronaires aigus"
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Bourse de recherche "Insuffisance cardiaque"
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Prix "Alain Castaigne" 2015-JESFC2016
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) - Prix de thèse
    Date limite : 26/10/2015


  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation : New  Interventions for Global Health:  Vaccine Manufacturing
    Deadline: 05/11/2015 (Letter of Intent)


  • Fondation Fyssen - Prix international 2015 "Mécanismes neurocognitifs des systèmes sensoriels et moteurs"
    Date limite: 06/11/2015


  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation : Grand Challenges Explorations
    Deadline: 11/11/2015


  • Université de São Paulo (USP), Université d’Etat de Campinas (UNICAMP), Université d’Etat de São Paulo « Júlio de Mesquita Filho » (UNESP), en partenariat avec le Consulat Général de France à São Paulo - Programme de "Chaires ranco-Brésiliennes dans l'Etat de São Paulo
    Date limite:  13/11/2015
View the calls for proposals published this week on Webcampus