BIP: the Institut Pasteur Newsletter, November 6, 2015


As part of a vast program to combat infectious encephalitis in South-East Asia, scientists at the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia are focusing their research on the bats that carry the Nipah virus, an emerging infectious agent that causes the disease. Their aim is to prevent or limit a possible future epidemic in Cambodia.


• The Institut Pasteur and Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for molecular medicine partner to form global genomics center
• Noise-induced hearing loss - genetic cause and mechanism discovered


On October 26, the European Molecular Biology Organization published its list of the 23 scientists selected for the 2015 Young Investigators Award. The winners include Nolwenn Jouvenet and Romain Koszul.


Following the favorable opinion issued by the Scientific Council in December 2014, the Evolutionary Bioinformatics Unit was set up on November 1, 2015.

Pasteur Paris-University

The Pasteur - Paris University International PhD Program presents a workshop on ethics in research every year for their first-year PhD students.


What are the key factors for a successful research–industry partnership? To help you answer that question, along with a host of others, the Teaching Center, in partnership with the Talent and Organization Development Department (part of the HR Department), is running a new in-house training program entitled "Business development and biomedical innovation".

Campus training

•  "Write and publish a scientific article" (in English) with Sciences Impact

• "C3BI School - Winter session - Programming and scripting"

Media Library

• Zotero

• Calculating your h-index


One of the priorities of the Institut Pasteur's strategic plan is to strengthen links with industry and business, particularly through teaching and training activities. The Education Department, the MAASCC welcome and support structure for contract researchers and the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department have therefore decided to introduce a monthly event to encourage scientists to create their own companies.


On October 27th, 2015 the Institut Pasteur was pleased to welcome Mr José Mujica, who was the 40th President of Uruguay between 2010 and 2015, now Senator.

Human resources

On October 30, a ceremony was held to present the 2015 long-service awards. Christian Bréchot and Christophe Mauriet were in attendance to see 66 Institut Pasteur staff members receive their awards this year. Long-service awards are a nationwide tribute in recognition of a number of years' service in the private sector. They are awarded at the employee's request.

labor relations

he first round of elections for members of the Works Council and staff representatives will take place from November 26 to December 2, 2015.


The latest issue of the quarterly newsletter for Institut Pasteur donors - the "Lettre de l'Institut Pasteur" (LIP) - contains a special feature on a seasonal infection that can be more severe than often thought: influenza.


The Financial Affairs Department would like to inform you that no more orders may be placed after Friday, November 27, 2015.


►Focus on: Horizon 2020 scientific work program

The European Commission has recently published the Horizon 2020 scientific work program for 2016 and 2017. Horizon 2020 offers funding under several schemes, including:

- ERC grants (Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants and Advanced Grants);
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie mobility grants (mobility grants for PhD students and individual grants for experienced researchers);
- collaborative research programs between several European research teams.

Browse the Horizon 2020 collaborative calls. Access the content of the calls by clicking on the title:

If you have any questions, please contact David Itier, European Affairs Coordinator.


• Association Don du Souffle - Bourse de recherche 
Deadline : 15/11/2015

• Association Française contre l'Amylose (AFA) - Prix 2015
Deadline : 30/11/2015

• Institut Français - Finlande - Programmes SAMPO et KAKSIN de soutien à la mobilité
Deadline : 05/12/2015

• Agence de la Biomédecine - Appel d’offres Recherche et Greffe
Deadline : 10/12/2015 (17:00)

• Institut de Recherches Scientifiques sur les Boissons (IREB) - Prix de these Gérard Vachonfrance
Deadline : 31/12/2015

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Discovery/Development of Novel Therapeutics for Eukaryotic Pathogens (R21/R33)
Deadline : 10/01/2016

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Characterization of Mycobacterial Induced Immunity in HIV-infected and Uninfected Individuals (R21)
Deadline : Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 11/01/2016

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Clinical Trial Readiness for Rare Neurological and Neuromuscular Diseases (U01)
Deadline : plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 18/01/2016 (Lettre d'intention)

• Ministère des Affaires Etrangères français / Université de Californie à Berkeley Appel 2016-2017
Deadline : 29/01/2016

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Research Using Biosamples and Subjects from Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies –Complications (DP3)
Deadline : 03/02/2016

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - HIV/AIDS High Priority Drug Abuse Research (R01)
Deadline : plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 05/02/2016

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - B Cell Immunology Program for HIV-1 Vaccine Development (BCIP) (R01)
Deadline : 16/02/2016 (Letter of Intent)

View the calls for proposals published this week on Webcampus