BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, January 13, 2023


Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, and Pascale Cossart, president of the jury, are pleased to invite you to the award ceremony for the Louis Pasteur Bicentenary Prizes, which honor scientists whose achievements capture the "Pasteur ethos" in the fields of biomedical research, public health or innovation.


On Tuesday January 10, the traditional New Year ceremony was held, with the participation of Yves Saint-Geours, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Stewart Cole, President, and Erik Orsenna, Institut Pasteur Ambassador. After taking place remotely for two consecutive years because of COVID-19, the ceremony was once again held entirely in person this year, and many of you came along.



The intranet is a tool that is used and shared by all staff. It is a vital online platform for internal communication, and more broadly for the organizational needs of the entire institution. The aim of this shared platform is to improve the flow of information and encourage the sharing of resources, thereby strengthening organizational efficiency and cohesion. The intranet serves as a comprehensive institutional toolkit.

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...


Research on microbial dormancy, tolerance, resistance and heterogeneity has served as a springboard for new findings by the IP-AMR scientific community. Members of the AMR priority area have therefore decided to organize a workshop entitled "Antimicrobials and population heterogeneity: the way towards persistence, tolerance, or dormancy" on January 31 in the Jules Bordet lecture hall...

sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Department is pleased to invite you to a conference on carbon footprints on January 24, 2023, from 9am to 12 noon. The event will feature the participation of the Labos 1.5 collective and two people from the Institut Curie and will include a call for applications to establish an EcoLeader community.