BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, April 7, 2017


Scientists at the Institut Pasteur and their partners in the international TBVAC 2020 consortium have just developed a tuberculosis vaccine candidate derived from conventional BCG. This vaccine candidate has higher efficacy, due to a system of heterologous protein secretion...

Scientific events

Each month, the Institut Pasteur Scientific Council organizes a lecture by a scientist on campus.

Scientific events

Following the elections held on March 31, two new members have been appointed to the Institut Pasteur Scientific Council...


Two doctors give a brief presentation to Institut Pasteur scientists on the diseases they are involved in treating.


Founded in 2007, Institut Pasteur and the Cnam have pooled their expertise to create the Pasteur/Cnam School of Public Health.


The Scientific Information Resources Center is on hand to help you self-archive your scientific publications and to tell you more about open access.

Human resources

The annual negotiations for the year 2017, which ran from January 25 to March 20, have recently concluded without agreement being reached. The link below provides access to the statement of disagreement, which also contains an outline of the measures that the management team will enforce unilaterally.

Human resources

We would remind you that the deadline for filing your income tax return in France is Wednesday May 17, 2017 for the paper version.


The Risk Prevention and Logistics Departments were informed by the EFS that its various sites will no longer be able to deliver blood products to Institut Pasteur couriers before noon...


The company Dominique Dutscher has recently rolled out a new logistics tool...


"La Parisienne" is a 6.7km women's road race through the streets of Paris.


Two years ago, committed Institut Pasteur partner AG2R La Mondiale launched "Vivons vélo", a sporting and charity program...


The Institut Pasteur newsletter team wishes you a good Easter break...