BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, November 15, 2019


The gastroenterology team at Henri-Mondor AP-HP Hospital and University Paris-Est Créteil, led by Professor Iradj Sobhani, together with teams from Inserm and the Institut Pasteur Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit (U1202), led by Professor Philippe Sansonetti – holder of the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Chair at the Collège de France –, have demonstrated that an imbalance in the gut microbiota, also known as "dysbiosis", promotes the onset of colorectal cancer.

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...


Nearly two years ago, the Institut Pasteur boosted the prototyping capabilities of scientists on its Paris campus by setting up a fabrication laboratory or "Fab Lab", a collaborative space for the development of varied, innovative projects designed to provide answers to scientific enigmas.

Human resources

As you may well be aware, on January 1, 2020, a new staff representative body, the Social and Economic Committee (CSE), will come into effect at the Institut Pasteur. The CSE merges all existing staff representative bodies, the staff representatives, the Works Council and the Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT).