February 24, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The 2017 program of major symposiums at the Institut Pasteur conference center has already begun to roll out on the Parisian campus. The first event was held at the end of January with the 10th edition of a conference called "NMR: a tool for biology."
Many other major symposiums will also take place this year.
Following appointment to the Institut Pasteur Board of Directors, one of the appointees resigned from his Louis Pasteur Chair of Excellence.
On February 22 and 23, 2017, the Institut Pasteur hosted a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Coalition for Epidemics Preparedness Innovation, CEPI.
The 2017 edition of the workshop on the latest technological developments in fluorescence microscopy will be held on the Paris campus on March 13-17, 2017.
The 8th edition of the Young researchers in Life Sciences conference will be held May 15 to 17, 2017. This international conference is organized by the young researchers’ association of leading Parisians research institutions, including StaPa, the Institut Pasteur's association for young researchers. The 8th edition of the meeting will be held at the Imagine Institute (Paris, France).
In connection with the Brain Awareness Week, the Institut Pasteur is organizing a public lecture and debate on "Neuroscience and transhumanism - Repairing brains, enhancing brains".
On Friday March 3, the Center for Translational Science is running "cancérostorm", an afternoon workshop on translational cancer research between the Institut Pasteur and the Institut Curie.
The next 2017 session will take place on Tuesday March 7. The speaker will be Franck Zal, co-founder and CEO of the company Hemarina.
The HR training center in the Talent and Organization Development Department is pleased to announce that a new SPOC (Small Private Online Course) entitled "Project Management" has been launched.
A prevention day for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) caused by working with display screen equipment (DSE) was held on Thursday February 23. The time we spend in front of computer screens, for both professional and personal use, has increased considerably. We can get into bad habits that can lead to health problems over the long term.
A new system for approving carts in the procurement portal, with improved ergonomics...
On February 27, 2017, from 7pm, the Information Systems Department will carry out maintenance on the network.
From next week, the IT account management software known as PasteurID will be undergoing a major update.
The format in which funding opportunities are published has changed. A schedule of the main calls for proposals is now available with just one click.
It will be updated at the end of every month.