BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, June 9, 2023


Forty years ago, a major research discovery was made when HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, was identified by an Institut Pasteur team whose members included Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Jean-Claude Chermann and Luc Montagnier. The Institut Pasteur wanted to mark this anniversary by paying tribute to Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, and through her to the entire scientific community and all those involved over the past four decades in tackling HIV/AIDS.


On Tuesday June 13, from 10am to 5.30pm in the CIS hall, a day will be held for Institut Pasteur staff interested in finding out about the Institut Pasteur's work at the international level. The program will include stands, round tables, an "international" lunch break, fun activities, a concert and opportunities to chat and meet people.

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...


From June 27 to 29, 2023, scientists from a wide range of disciplines, international government representatives, leaders of research funding bodies and many more people will assemble in Paris for two events on the topic "Fundamental Life Science Meets Climate, Environment and Sustainability." They will discuss the way in which basic research in life science can play a key role in developing solutions in the area of climate change and sustainability.


For the third year in a row, the Institut Pasteur's Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CETEA) and Center for Animal Resources and Research (C2RA) are jointly organizing a conference on the use of animals in research. This year's conference will take place on September 8.


The Procurement Department team is organizing and coordinating this new edition and has selected around 50 suppliers who will be on hand to present their latest products (equipment, reagents and consumables) and answer practical and technical questions. Some will also be offering reductions on a range of products specially for the show.



Life outside the lab

Once again this year, the Institut Pasteur choir, cultural society (La Pasteurale) and sports club (ASIP) will be putting on a vibrant extravaganza full of music, rhythm and energy at the end of June. This year, several events open to all will be held.