BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, September 14, 2018


Scientists from Inserm, the CNRS and Sorbonne University within the Neuroscience Paris-Seine laboratory, in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, New York University (NYU) and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), have successfully controlled the activity of nicotinic receptors in the brains of mice

Scientific events

Each week, in this section entitled "Scientific events" and written by Scientific Secretariat General, you will find upcoming scientific events to note in your diaries, calls for proposals and funding opportunities that might interest you – along with tools and databases specially designed to help you identify funding possibilities...


The team in charge of the Pasteur-Paris University International Program, PPU, in the Department of Education is pleased to invite you to a special event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this program, which has so far attracted 117 outstanding students from all over the world.


Make sure you save the date of September 20 to come along to a preview screening of the docudrama Pasteur et Koch, un duel de géants dans le monde des microbes (Pasteur and Koch: A duel of giants in the world of microbes), which will be broadcast on the TV channel Arte in October.


La modification des comptes « restaurant » liés aux badges est prévue les mardi 18 et mercredi 19 septembre. Pour réaliser la migration, la mobilisation de tous est nécessaire. Quelle que soit la catégorie de votre badge (Pasteuriens, Orex, ou invités permanents), pour pouvoir continuer à l’utiliser pour déjeuner, vous devrez impérativement respecter les consignes suivantes...